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Ping An Claims Firsts With AI and Multi-Asset ETFs

Ping An of China Asset Management has launched two exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that it says are unique...

WisdomTree Launches AI ETF

New York based WisdomTree has launched an artificial intelligence exchange-traded fund (ETF) on the London Stock Exchange. The...

Security Firm Warns That AI Will Make Malware Much Harder to Detect

Security firm Malwarebytes Labs has released its annual list of predictions for the following year's cybersecurity issues,...

Executives List Roles Most at Threat From Technology

Financial services executives expect disruptive technology to replace or dramatically change accounting, operational and compliance roles. A survey...

AI: Reducing Clutter, Waste and Subjectivity in the Digital Advertising Ecosystem

The proliferation of new technologies has created substantial opportunity to understand and serve customers with a level...

Amazon Brings Machine Learning to Healthcare

Amazon announced the launch of a new machine learning service that can extract relevant medical details -...

Doctors Could Use AI for Future MRI Scans

jarmoluk / Pixabay Scientists are looking into ways to make MRI scans as safe as possible, and artificial...

Apple Secretly Buys Silks Labs to Bolster AI Capabilities

Image Source: SilkLabs.com (screenshot) Apple is trying to pack as much AI capabilities into its smartphones, tablets, and...

China’s Ping An to Build Blockchain and AI-Based ‘Smart City’

Less than a quarter after it published a paper on Smart Cities, Chinese insurance giant Ping An...

The Last Bastion of Human Trading Is Giving up to the Algorithmic Overlords

One of the last human points of resistance to the algorithmic take-over of professional trading can be...


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