NYC hedgie pays big for divorce


    Kevin Ulrich, head of hedge fund Anchorage Capital Group, is paying his soon-to-be ex-wife tens of millions for their divorce.

    Ulrich, whose fund is one of the biggest owners of Hollywood’s MGM, paid Laura Santos more than $21.5 million for her share of their double townhouse in Greenwich Village and an apartment nearby, reports the New York Post. Ulrich paid $16,331,697 for Santos’ half of the two townhouses on Downing Street, which the couple bought for $26.8 million in 2012. He also paid $5,181,000 for the $10 million apartment on Wooster Street they purchased last year.

    Santos is an interior designer, and has used the homes as a masterpiece design of modern Beaux Art. The couple hasn’t officially divorced, but things appear amicable as they divide their assets.

    Anchorage Capital Group holds 30% of MGM. Ulrich previously worked at Goldman Sachs, before leaving to found Anchorage in 2003.
